We Do What We Love
At Bradley Smoker, we pride ourselves on providing the purest smoke and highest quality smokers to slow smoke whatever you can think up. We aren’t the first and we won’t be the last, but we’re definitely the best. Our smokers are designed to give you the best tasting food, without the constant monitoring.
behind every great smoker is a great story
Our story goes like this: a master food smoker knew nothing about catching salmon and asked us for advice. If he wanted to learn how to catch fish, we told him he was going to have to teach us how to smoke salmon. Then we shared the cardinal rule of fishing…do not fish where there are no fish. In return, he said you must control the smoke, plain and simple.
With this food smoking principle firmly entrenched, we set out to make a food smoker that did just that – produced clean, continuous smoke without the need for constant attention. It made fantastic smoke, and the food that resulted was nothing short of outstanding. Local gourmet chefs were the first to get their hands on the Bradley Smoker, and now we're bringing it to everyone.
I had been 'smoking' meat on my bbq but wanted a true smoker. Bradley Smokers are even easier than I thought. Set it and forget it.
As a brand, Bradley offers unmatched quality, simplicity and consistency. We have been around for quite some time but still keep bringing the newest technology with the best taste. We love what we do, and do what we love.
Mission & vision
Bradley’s mission has always been to bring you a smoker that delivers the best smoked food to your table. Since the 70s, we have worked to offer everyone the best smoke flavours possible, a wide selection of products, and the convenience of automatic feeding bisquettes. Our vision is to be the company everyone goes to for a smoker, and where people can discover the beautiful taste of smoked food without having to do the work a normal smoker takes.
some quick facts
40 yrs. of Experience
From day one to everything that's to come, we're always improving on what we do.
Smokers Sold
From smokers who love the outdoors to home chefs, there's a smoker for everyone.
Delicious Flavours
From maple to caribbean blend bisquettes, there's so many choices.

Nothing beats bringing people together over a deliciously smoked meal. Crack open the coolers and get the drinks going, share some stories and join the Bradley Smoker Community. You’ll find a great place to share your experiences, recipes, tricks and hopefully some tips to elevate your smoking game.
Bradley Smoker Endorsements

Mark Hix
” I have been using the Bradley Smoker for six years and it has revolutionised our menus in the restaurants to the point that we are even selling de Beauvoir smoked salmon in Selfridges food hall. Although we use them commercially for all our restaurants they are a fantastic thing to have at home if you are a keen fisherman, smoker, or experimental cook, having it at home in the garage or built into the shed. “
– Mark Hix, chef and restaurateur

Nathan Outlaw
” Using the Bradley Smoker gives us an extra technique angle when developing new recipes. The consistency of the smoke is what gives this product a consistent reliability which is what we need due to the precise nature of our cooking. Other smokers tend to be erratic.”
– Nathan Outlaw, Michelin Starred chef and restaurateur

sam white
“Our Bradley Smoker is an essential bit of kit for 45 Jermyn St. Not only do we have our own Piccadilly Smoked Salmon on the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but we also sell it in the food hall of Fortnum & Mason.
The smoker is fantastic for smoking fish, but we also use it to smoke a variety of produce, like beetroots and parsnips – the smoker creates this incredible depth of flavour and makes for really interesting salads and purees.
Smoking inhouse also allows us to have control of consistency of flavour and product which is very important to us.”
– Sam White, Head Chef 45 Jermyn St. Fortnum & Mason

peter gorton
” At Gortons we use Bradley Smokers for a range of speciality dishes, especially when game is in season. In a busy restaurant kitchen they provide us with the flexibility to create our own smoked food items with remarkable ease and efficiency. “
– Peter Gorton, chef and restaurateur

jose souto
” Bradley Smoker brings a new dimension to cooking game, with flavour and texture guaranteed. It makes the game season last longer by allowing us to extend the shelf life when there is a glut of in-season game available. A fantastic way to add value and a different eating experience. “
– Jose Souto, field sportsman and food writer
(Jose is a Chef Lecturer, at London Westminster Kingsway College where Bradley Smokers are used in the teaching kitchens.)