Pampered Daddy… Smoked Baba Ganoush Recipe
Pampered Daddy or Baba Ganoush is an appetizer. Although similar to Humus, you prepare it using mashed cooked eggplant, seasoned with olive oil and tahini. Ready to try something new?
This recipe yields approximately one cup.
1 Lb eggplant
2 Garlic cloves
2 Tbsp fresh parsley
Juice & zest of one lemon
2 Tbsp tahini (sesame seed butter)
2-4 Tbsp olive oil
Salt & pepper
Cut eggplants in quarter and place skin-side down on smoker racks.
Smoke for 2 hours at 200°F with hickory bisquettes.
Allow eggplant to cool, then remove flesh from skin with a fork and place in a strainer to remove any excess liquid.
Process garlic cloves in a food processor (if you don’t have a food processor you can mince the garlic and combine remaining ingredients with a fork).
Add eggplant flesh, lemon juice & zest and tahini and pulse food processor to obtain a coarse paste.
Slowly add olive oil until desired consistency.
Add parsley and pulse a couple of time to lightly chop and combine.
Season to taste with salt & pepper.
Serve with crackers, toasted bread or pita chips.

The strong and sweet flavour of Hickory Bisquettes make it one of the more popular woods for smoking, and especially pairs well with poultry, beef, pork, game, water fowl, nuts, and cheese.
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